Monday, January 12, 2015

Miracles in the dry season, and how they can change you

Forgiveness is something we all crave. Sometimes it is offered freely, while other times people withhold it from us causing further harm. In this book we see the all healing power of Christ's forgiveness in and awe inspiring tale of a man, a woman, and a small town waiting for a miracle in a dry season.

It's 1954 and Perla Long's arrival in the sleepy town of Wise, West Virginia, was supposed to go unnoticed. She just wants a quiet, safe place for her and her daughter, Sadie, where the mistakes of her past can stay hidden. But then drought comes to Wise, and Perla is pulled into the turmoil of a town desperately in need of a miracle. But with a little girl in tow and no husband at her side rumors spread faster then wildfire and it makes things that much harder for Perla to pick up the pieces of her life.

In so many cases people judge a person only by one big mistake, and that person feels forever tainted by it. Back in the 1900's having a child out of wedlock is a much bigger deal then it is today, and few people ever let it go. This is what makes Christ's forgiveness so important in our lives.

Casewell never imagined getting involved with a woman like Perla, or her daughter capturing his heart. Perla tells him the truth about what happened at a surprisingly early in the book, which took me off guard. Few let out the secrets of their character's past early in the book, but I think Sarah Tomas was trying not to put so much focus on figuring out the past and more on the redemption of the people in the small town of Wise, and how a special gift from God helped them in a horrible drought.

I can't give you much that will put into words how wonderful a book this is, but I will give you all a verse that fits this book.

"though we are overwhelmed by sin, You forgive them all" Psalm 63:3 NLT

I received this book in exchange for an honest review, which I have given

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